Your printer friendly content from on March 28, 2025.

Vermont Sheriff's Departments: Lamoille County

map of our county

Lamoille County Sheriff's Department
P.O. Box 96
Hyde Park, VT 05655-0096

Phone: (802) 888-3502
Fax: (802) 888-2562


Sheriff Roger Marcoux Jr. Sheriff:

Sheriff Roger Marcoux Jr.

Sheriff's biography is coming soon..


Lamoille County is situated in the heart of Vermont northwest of Washington County. It has an area of 476 square miles and a population of approximately 19735 people. The shire town is Hyde Park, and the County was incorporated on October 26, 1835.

Our Department's Historical Listing of Sheriffs'

This information is currently being researched. Please check back soon..

Towns We Serve

  • Belvidere
  • Cambridge
  • Eden
  • Elmore
  • Hyde Park
  • Johnson
  • Morristown
  • Stowe
  • Waterville
  • Wolcott